Thank you for registering for the Mexico Mission Trip! This page will become your "hub" for all important information and pre-trip to-do's.

All meetings take place at First Community North (3777 Dublin Rd.). Registrants must attend all three meetings prior to the trip. Content will vary in each, and it is crucial for you to receive all info prior to the trip.

Sunday, January 21
  • Full Group Meeting 1 (2 pm)
  • Registration Closes
  • Final Payments due. Make additional payments here: Mexico 2024 Donations & Payments. Wondering about your balance due? You will receive an email prior to Jan 21 to let you know your balance.
Sunday, February 18: Full Group Meeting 2 (2 pm)

Sunday, March 10: Full Group Meeting 3 (10 am) & Trip Commissioning Service (11 am)

Tuesday, March 19: Depart for Mexico
Wednesday, March 27: Return from Mexico

Sunday, April 7: Mexico Celebration Sunday (11 am)
How can I reduce the cost of the trip for myself? The best way to reduce your trip cost is to ask loved ones to help sponsor your trip. You can ask friends, family, and neighbors to sponsor you. Any funds they contribute to your trip are entirely tax-deductible. Simply send them to this link: Mexico 2024 Donations & Payments.

Can I set up a payment plan to spread out payments? Yes! The best person to contact is Jen Bratka. Reach her at

Are there scholarship funds available? Yes! Full and partial scholarships are available. Please indicate your need on the registration form, or reach out to Sarah Kientz at

Can I donate toward the scholarship fund? Yes! Click here to donate, and  put "Scholarship Fund" in Participant Name: Mexico 2024 Donations & Payments.

Is the trip fee tax-deductible? Yes! The full trip fee is a tax-deductible charitable contribution.

When are final payments due? Sunday, January 21, 2024.

How do I make additional payments? Make additional payments here: Mexico 2024 Donations & Payments.


We will be flying on Southwest Airlines on the following flights:

Tuesday, March 19
*WN250 Columbus to Houston: depart 8:55 am, arrive 10:50 am
WN586 Houston to San Diego: depart 12:50 pm, arrive 2:25 pm

Wednesday, March 27
WN3112 San Diego to Denver: depart 8:30 am, arrive 11:45 am
WN5834 Denver to Columbus: depart 1:55 pm, arrive 6:35 pm

*Participants need to be at the airport (CMH) at 6:45 am on Tuesday, March 19.

Trip Itinerary

Tuesday, March 19: Depart Columbus at 8:55 am, layover in Houston, arrive in San Diego at 2:25 pm. Stay at a church in San Diego overnight. Participants must meet at the airport at 6:55 am.

Wednesday, March 20: Drive vans into Mexico, escorted by Amor. Set up tents at Amor’s secure campsite.

Thursday, March 21 - Monday, March 25: Workdays. Each workday includes building during the day, then returning to the campsite for dinner and campfire songs before bed.

Tuesday, March 26: Drive back across the border into San Diego; spend the night at a hotel.

Wednesday, March 27: Depart San Diego at 8:30 am, layover in Dallas, arrive in Columbus at 6:35 pm.
Communication Plan

Jen Bratka is one of First Community's Administrative Coordinators. During the trip (March 19 - 27), Jen will be in contact with Sarah Kientz to receive updates. If there is a change in travel plans, parents and families (those not on the trip) will receive an update from Jen. Even if you hear about a change in plans from your child on the trip, please do not make different arrangements until you hear from Jen.

If you need to get in touch with a trip participant during the trip, please contact Jen:

Jen Bratka
614-488-0681 ext. 105

Cell Phone Policy

Participants are welcome to use cell phones during travel and while in the U.S. Once we enter Mexico, all phones must be placed in airplane mode. 
  • Unplugging and being present with others is a goal of our trip (and what participants say is the best part!)
  • If participants need physical or emotional help, we want them to turn to trip leaders and others around them, not rely on those back home who are unable to help in the moment.
  • There is no place to change your phone and very little service.
  • Cell phones are welcome on the worksite as your camera, but take at your own risk! Dropping, breaking, and getting rained on happen often. Consider bringing a different camera or old cell phone (without a sim card) to take photos.
  • This applies to all participants, including adults.

Important Packing Notes: The weather in Mexico can be unpredictable because it is a desert environment. It can be warm and dry, then turn rainy and cold; we have even seen snow on this trip! Please take the packing list seriously!

Mexico 2024 Packing List


Do I need a tent? What if I don’t have one? All participants will be sleeping outdoors in tents. Participants will bring their own tents in our luggage. You must have a tent, or a spot in someone else’s tent, prior to departure. If you do not have a tent, we can help coordinate borrowing one or helping match participants up in tents.

What kind of tent do I need? You will need a tent with a full-coverage rain fly. This will protect you from rain, cold, and high winds (all of which we will experience!). An example of the type of tent you’ll need is here; notice how the rain fly completely covers the tent: Kelty Salida.

Who do I notify about tents? Please email our church staff with info about your tent: if you have a tent, need a tent, have a group, or need a group. We will compile our "bunking list."

We require: 1) a tetanus shot, 2) a flu shot. We highly recommend a COVID vaccination, including current booster. We highly recommend Hepatitis A & B.

What medical personnel are attending the trip? We will have multiple physicians, EMT’s, and other healthcare professionals attend the trip to oversee participant medical needs.

Can I attend if I have food allergies? Yes! All allergies must be disclosed on the registration form so we can accommodate food needs.

Questions? Contact Sarah at with questions about health, safety, and wellness on the Mexico Trip.
One morning of the trip, participants will receive letters from family members, friends, and other loved ones. This is a great opportunity to send encouragement in the midst of a challenging week. The “secret” element of the letters is that participants will not know who wrote them a letter until that morning! Letters from grandparents, a favorite teacher, or other mentors and loved ones can provide a surprising and heartwarming moment.

How to submit letter(s) to your participant:
  • Drop letters off at FC North (3777 Dublin Rd.) anytime before March 10; if you drop off after hours, place letters into the mailbox by the Rose Wing entrance. Be sure the participant’s name is clearly written on the outside of the paper or envelope.
  • Email letters to Subject line should be the participant’s name. Do not add attachments; all information to the participant should be in the body of the email.
Letters are due by Sunday, March 10, 2024.
Participant trip fees do not cover all trip expenses, so we need to fundraise to support our trip. Instead of a church-wide event this year, we are selling Flower-a-Month memberships to Bloomtastic Florist in Upper Arlington.

  • Each membership card is $75; our trip receives $25 for each card sold.
  • All trip participants must sell (at least) 4 Flower-a-Month memberships OR raise $100.
  • Flower-a-Month memberships will only work for people who live locally because you have to pick up the flowers at Bloomtastic in Upper Arlington. Encourage out-of-town friends to simply donate!

  • Link to Flower-a-Month Fundraiser. Includes all details, including a place to donate directly to the trip without purchasing a card.
  • How to share with friends. You can tell friends to visit There is a link directly to the flower fundraiser on that page.
Have you done all of the following?

  • Know where your passport is. Make a note in your phone called “passport” with its location in your house! Don’t have a passport, or realize it expired? Let Sarah know; it may be too late to get one now.
  • Fill out the Amor Participant form:
  • Get your vaccines. All participants need a flu shot and tetanus shot; COVID and Hep A & B recommended.
  • Review the packing list. Email Sarah your tent plan.
  • Mark your calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
  • Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 19 at 6:45 am - the date and time you'll need to be at the airport to start our trip!
  • Write letters to your trip participant.

Time until we depart Columbus

Mexico, here we come!
Contact Us image
Do you have questions about the trip? Contact Rev. Sarah Kientz at

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